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Pizza Dough Recipe!


I've been trying my best to not eat out so much when I am feeling lazy or just tired. When we do have those days Honey Bear usually requests pizza and instead of going out and buying I figured I may as well make it. Plus as I continue to grow as a chef, I feel as though its only right to at least know how to make a decent pizza dough so I have been trying to do my best to perfect the recipe I got from my culinary school. Let's jump right into the recipe, shall we?


1 1/3 cup warm water

1/4 cup milk

1TBS dry yeast

1 1/2 tsp salt

1 TBS honey

2 TBS olive oil


1.) Pour warm water into a bowl

2.) Add milk and yeast and let rest for 2 minutes

3.) Add the flour, salt, honey and olive oil

4.) Knead the dough until smooth

5.) Rub the dough with a little more olive oil

6.) Place in a bowl, cover with saran wrap and let the dough double in size (about 90 minutes)

7.) when the dough has rise, place it on a lightly floured surface and divide into two or more part and roll into balls

8.) Put back in a bowl, cover and let the dough rise a second time (about 20 minutes)

9.) Roll out or flip dough out in your hands in a circular motion to create pizza

10.)Lightly moisten the dough with a bit of oil and flour

11.) Top pizza dough with sauce and your choice of topping

12.) Preheat oven to 450 and bake until desired color is reached

This is a fun and easy pizza recipe that the novice at home cook can make as well as children. Get your little ones involved in the kitchen to help you bring this pizza to life. It's seriously so much fun! Until next time,

With Love & Food,

-Chef Morghan

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